Search Results for: soil

Foliar Feeding: How it Works and How to Do It

Foliar feeding is a term for applying a mist of nutrients directly to a plant’s...[Read More]

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Why You Should Keep a Cannabis Grow Journal

Since our plants can't tell us what they need themselves, it's up to us to...[Read More]


How Often Should I Feed and Water My Cannabis?

Your plants will be unhappy unless their water and nutrient diet is just right. Your...[Read More]


White Powdery Mildew: How to Spot It and How to Stop It

White powdery mildew spreads quickly, and could ruin your whole crop if left unchecked.

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Destructive Cannabis Pests and How to Defeat Them

You might be looking forward to consuming your home-grown cannabis after harvest time… But there...[Read More]


How to Grow Cannabis in Dry Climates

Dry climates introduce extra challenges for cannabis growers, but these challenges can be overcome. Here's...[Read More]

How to Grow Cannabis at Home Secretly

Even if you live in a place where you can legally grow cannabis, you may...[Read More]


The Beauty Of Colour: How To Grow Purple Cannabis Buds?

Here is how to grow purple cannabis easily.

How to Grow Cannabis in a Cold Climate

If you're living in a cold climate, you can still grow healthy cannabis plants at...[Read More]

How to Grow Cannabis in a Small Space

Cannabis can grow and thrive in all kinds of places, small ones included. Here's everything...[Read More]

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Best Nutrients for Outdoor Grow – Cannabis

What's are the best nutrients for outdoor grow cannabis plants?! Well the answer is simpler...[Read More]

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EC to PPM Conversion Calculator

This handy little calculator will help you convert EC and PPM reading with ease. Type...[Read More]

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How to Grow Cannabis from Seeds

Regardless of what type of seed you have - autoflowering seeds, feminised seeds, etc -...[Read More]

How to Measure EC & PPM and Grow Healthier Cannabis

Measure ppm to know if you're giving your plants enough food.

Reefertilizer Start Giveaway – Photo Contest

Learn more about Reefertilizer Start and enter to win our photo contest!


6 Ways to Grow Denser Cannabis Buds

How do you get denser buds? Here are a few easy and cheap ways to...[Read More]

6 Helpful Accessories for Growing Cannabis

Adding these items to your grow room can help make your life just a little...[Read More]

How Much Money Will I Save by Growing My Own Cannabis

Start-up costs for growing cannabis can range from free to many thousands of dollars. How...[Read More]

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