Choosing Fertilizer for Weed – Dry, Liquid, or Compost

Fertilizer for weed comes in many shapes and forms. Depending on how you plan on growing your own cannabis, you will need to figure out the right type for your grow style.

There are 3 major categories when it comes to fertilizer for weed; liquid, powder, or compost. They all have their pros and cons and we will explore each one to see which will work best for you.

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Liquid Fertilizer for Cannabis

Liquid fertilizer for weed

When choosing liquid fertilizer for weed, many home growers value the speed at which their plants can absorb these nutrients, crucial during various growth stages. These fertilizers offer simple mixing and precise control over nutrient doses, which can be tailored to meet specific plant requirements effectively. However, they also come with challenges, such as a generally shorter shelf life than their dry counterparts and the potential for overfeeding, which could lead to nutrient lockout.

Additionally, liquid nutrients often require the purchase of multiple bottles to cover different growth stages and nutrient needs, increasing both cost and storage requirements. This contrasts with powdered nutrients, where a single blend can suffice for several stages, simplifying the feeding process and reducing overall expense and space used for storage. This need for multiple products can complicate the feeding schedule and increase the chances of errors in application.


  • Your plants are exposed to more nutrients
  • Easy blending of fertilizers
  • Blends easily with crop protection products
  • Application can be done at the start of the season or mid-season
  • Fast acting


  • Can easily be excessive
  • Short shelf life
  • Contains a lot of stabilizers and preservatives
  • Needs a lot of blending to strike the right balance
  • Expensive in the long run

Dry Fertilizer for Weed

Reefertilizer Start Grow and Bloom Complete Grow Kit - dry nutrients for weed

Dry fertilizer for weed offers distinct advantages for cannabis cultivation, especially regarding ease of storage and longevity. Unlike liquid alternatives, dry nutrients have a significantly longer shelf life, cutting down on waste and frequent replacements. This form of fertilizer is often more cost-effective, as it is sold in concentrated forms requiring fewer purchases over time. Transporting and handling dry fertilizer also tends to be simpler since there’s no risk of spillage.
However, its application requires proper dilution and thorough mixing to ensure even distribution in soil, which can be a bit more labor-intensive compared to the ready-to-use nature of liquid formulas.


  • Cost efficient
  • Better control
  • Better timing
  • Longer shelf life
  • Highly soluble
  • Good nutrient concentration


  • Dust in the air
  • Precise timing is vital
  • Must be properly mixed in water

Compost Fertilizer for Weed

compost fertilizer for weed

Compost fertilizer for weed is a powerful option for growers seeking to enrich their soil naturally and sustainably. By fostering a living soil environment, this type of fertilizer helps to create a diverse ecosystem in the soil, where beneficial microbes and fungi, such as mycorrhizae, thrive. These organisms form symbiotic relationships with cannabis roots, enhancing water and nutrient uptake and protecting plants from pathogens.
Reefertilizer Start can be incorporated into the soil mix to introduce mycorrhizal spores alongside organic kelp meal, boosting root health from the early stages of plant growth. Utilizing compost fertilizer not only contributes to robust plant growth but also improves soil structure, water retention, and aeration over time, making it a compelling choice for dedicated cultivators focused on long-term cultivation practices.


  • Nutrients are released slowly so that there is no burning
  • Sustainable and renewable
  • There is a reduced chance of nutrient run-off
  • Increases diversity and quality of life in the soil you use for planting over repeated use


  • Takes some time before it is absorbed into the plant
  • Costs a lot to keep a steady supply
  • Likely to introduce pests and insects

There you have it. A complete summary of the different types of fertilizer for weed. Depending on your skill level and growing medium, you should now have a clear choice for which fertilizer you will want to use in your next grow. So many companies out there will tell you there stuff is the BEST or that it will give you “80% bigger yields!!!”. Forget all that jive and educate yourself. Reefertilizer is only here to make things simpler for people who want to grow cannabis. We want you to experiment and try new things, that’s the best way to learn to grow good weed!

Thanks again for reading, and please share this article with your friends if you found it useful.

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