Refreshing Cannabis Infused Lemonade

Yummy Cannabis Infused Lemonade

Cannabis beverages offer a unique and enjoyable way to consume cannabinoids, providing an alternative to smoking or vaping. These drinks are infused with either THC, CBD, or both, and can deliver effects that are just as potent as traditional methods of consumption.

The process starts with a base—usually water, tea, or lemonade—which is then infused with cannabis. This can be done through a variety of methods, including the use of tinctures or cannabis-infused sugars or honey. For beginners, tinctures are often recommended as they allow precise control over the dosage. You can learn more about tinctures and their uses in our article, How To Prepare Cannabis for Edibles.

cannabis infused lemonade

When crafting your own cannabis-infused drinks, it’s key to know how cannabinoids interact with the body. Unlike inhaling cannabis smoke, ingested cannabis must be digested, which means effects might take longer to appear but could last longer and be more intense. Dosing is crucial to prevent overpowering the drink, ensuring a pleasant experience with every sip.

What You Need to Make Cannabis Lemonade

Before we dive into the processes, let’s gather the essential ingredients and tools needed to craft this delightfully dank beverage.


  1. Lemons: The star of the show! You’ll need about 4-6 fresh lemons to squeeze approximately one cup of lemon juice.
  2. Water: Have about 4 cups of cold water ready to dilute the mixture to your taste.
  3. Sweetener: The choice of sweetener is crucial here. You can use cannabis-infused honey to integrate THC and other cannabinoids seamlessly. You can also cut it with plain honey or sugar to make the effects weaker. About 1 cup of sugar or sweetener should do the trick.
  4. Cannabis Tincture: If you’re not using cannabis infused honey, this will be your source of THC or CBD. A tincture is easily made by soaking decarbed cannabis in a food grade alcohol like vodka. You can decide the dosage based on your preference for strength. 


  1. Juicer: To extract the juice from the lemons efficiently.
  2. Pitcher: A large pitcher to mix all your ingredients.
  3. Stirring Spoon: To blend all the ingredients smoothly.

Adding Flavors: For an aromatic touch, consider introducing herbs like mint or basil, enhancing the terpene profile and complementing the tangy taste of your lemonade.

As you combine these ingredients, remember to stir gently to ensure the sweetener dissolves completely. This ensures every sip of your lemonade is uniformly infused with delicious flavors and cannabis goodness.

You can adjust the potency according to your needs, ensuring a pleasant experience suited to your comfort level.

Step-by-Step: Preparing Your Cannabis Lemonade

Making your own cannabis lemonade involves a few simple steps that combine regular lemonade ingredients with a cannabis twist. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Prepare the Lemons

Start by rolling your lemons on a flat surface to make them easier to juice. Cut them in half and use a juicer to extract about one cup of lemon juice. Pour the juice into your large pitcher.

cannabis lemonade in pitcher

Step 2: Add Water and Sweetener

Add four cups of cold water to the pitcher. Follow this by adding a cup of your preferred sweetener. If you’re using cannabis-infused sweetener, sprinkle it in gradually while continuously stirring to make sure it fully dissolves without clumping.

Step 3: Mix in the Cannabis Tincture

Now, it’s time to add the cannabis tincture. Add the tincture slowly, starting with a small amount and tasting as you go to reach the desired flavor profile. Stir well to ensure it’s evenly distributed through the lemonade.

Step 4: Chill and Serve

Cover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator to chill. Give it a good stir and serve your cannabis lemonade over ice and, if you like, garnish with fresh lemon slices or mint leaves for an extra refreshing touch.

Tips for Perfect Infusion Every Time

Achieving the perfect infusion for your cannabis lemonade is all about precision and the right ingredients. Here are some experience-based tips to ensure you get a consistent and flavorful drink every time:

Use Quality Tincture: The tincture you use can dramatically affect the end quality of your lemonade. Select high-quality cannabis tinctures, ideally with a known terpene profile that complements the citrusy flavor of lemonade. 

Control the Dose: Start with a smaller amount of tincture and gradually add more until you reach the desired strength. This method prevents overpowering your lemonade with a strong cannabis flavor and ensures you can enjoy the refreshing taste without overwhelming effects.

Stir Before Serving: Once you add the tincture to your lemonade, stir the mixture thoroughly before serving. Cannabis extracts are oil based and don’t mix well with water. If left for a while you may see oil floating on top of your lemonade. Give it a good mix before serving. Alternatively you can make water soluble cannabis powder but it will make your drink cloudy. 

Consider the Sweetener: If you’re using a cannabis-infused sweetener, understand that it will increase the potency to your beverage. If you’re using infused honey you may need to cut it with regular honey so your drink aren’t too strong in taste and potency.

Chill Before Serving: Letting your cannabis lemonade chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour not only cools the drink but allows the flavors to meld together properly, resulting in a more harmonious taste.

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